Creative Arts Therapies Assessment Summit
June 24-25, 2023
Full time students will benefit of 30% discount upon presenting proof of enrollment in an academic institution.
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DAY 1, JUNE 24, 2023
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Art Therapy Assessment within the Structure of the Expressive Therapies Continuum
Assessment within the structure of the Expressive Therapies Continuum begins with a series of at least three free art tasks to determine clients' functional level, or most comfortable approach to processing information. These assessment sessions determine the targeted starting point for expressive art experiences. The type of information attended to in the assessment phase includes preferred media, manner of interaction with media to process information and form images, stylistic or expressive elements in the final art product, and verbal communication during the creative process. All of these elements are surveyed, and information is confirmed with the client and then compiled in order to formulate hypotheses about typical approaches to information processing, decision-making, and action tendencies. With the presenting issue in mind, knowledge of these factors aids in the formulation of treatment goals and treatment planning at the start of therapy. The ETC structure can be used to assess progress towards meeting treatment goals at any time during the course of therapy.
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Expressive Therapies Self Inquiry
While many art therapists are learning important skills and interventions to support their clients, little literature exists to address disruption and repair in this unique relationship. When ruptures occur with clients in art therapy, it can be challenging for novice and experienced professionals alike. However, these challenging moments can be stepping stones to solidifying the therapeutic relationship and accessing the client's relational patterns (Safran & Muran, 2000). Using a case study and the ETSI evaluation, this presentation will explore the nature of the art-therapy relationship, the ruptures that can occur during the therapeutic process, and the art of repair.
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"I'm an Englishman in New York"*: Folktales as an assessment tool in cross-cultural therapy
In the current lecture, an evaluation tool developed through research that assists therapists in intercultural therapy will be presented. The tool consists of a unique application of Jungian interpretation of folktales in order to understand cultural mental patterns. These patterns facilitate the therapist in understanding perceptions, feelings and behaviors of patients in a cultural context. Specifically, I will focus on the cultural context of mothers and maternal role. Motherhood as a cultural pattern is essential in understanding the cultural background of the patients. As an example, the study analyzes 10 Russian folk tales, including an analysis of archetypes and an analysis of 4 aspects that represent the mother: the female aspect described by the female fairy tale characters; the introverted male aspect depicted by the male characters; the basic aspect of the mother nurturing the child; and the transformative aspect that motivates the child to change. This application will be demonstrated by vignettes from the treatment room. Insights derived from this study contribute to culturally sensitive therapy.
*Sting, 1988
*Sting, 1988
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Formal Elements Art Therapy Assessment
The Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS) is a standardized assessment tool used in art therapy to evaluate and analyze the formal aspects of an individual's artwork, developed by Gantt and Tabone. It focuses on the visual qualities, elements, and principles of art present in the artwork created by the client.
Dr Gantt will present FEATS, an assessment tool providing art therapists with a structured framework to objectively assess and interpret the client's artwork, gaining insights into their emotional state, cognitive processes, and overall psychological well-being. By analyzing the formal elements of the artwork, art therapists can better understand the client's artistic expression and its underlying meanings.
The scale consists of various categories, each representing a specific formal element or principle of art. These categories may include line, color, shape, form, texture, composition, balance, and movement, among others. Within each category, the therapist rates different aspects or qualities on a numerical scale, allowing for a more detailed assessment.
FEATS provides valuable information about the formal aspects of artwork, it should be used in conjunction with other assessment methods and clinical judgment. Art therapists rely on their expertise and the therapeutic relationship to interpret the deeper meanings and symbolism within the artwork and to understand the client's unique context.
Dr Gantt will present FEATS, an assessment tool providing art therapists with a structured framework to objectively assess and interpret the client's artwork, gaining insights into their emotional state, cognitive processes, and overall psychological well-being. By analyzing the formal elements of the artwork, art therapists can better understand the client's artistic expression and its underlying meanings.
The scale consists of various categories, each representing a specific formal element or principle of art. These categories may include line, color, shape, form, texture, composition, balance, and movement, among others. Within each category, the therapist rates different aspects or qualities on a numerical scale, allowing for a more detailed assessment.
FEATS provides valuable information about the formal aspects of artwork, it should be used in conjunction with other assessment methods and clinical judgment. Art therapists rely on their expertise and the therapeutic relationship to interpret the deeper meanings and symbolism within the artwork and to understand the client's unique context.
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Assessment Process in Art Therapy: From a Repertoire of Tools to a Model for Developing Clinical Understanding (ECCAT-9)
Alexandra presents her work of two decades collected in her new book: The evaluation process in art therapy (2022), the origin of the project, its motivations as well as the major questions she has tried to answer through this imposing work.
She offers an in-depth reflection on the basic principles of assessment in art therapy. She also presents ECCAT-9 model: a practical guide to observing the images produced during art therapy sessions and developing a clinical understanding of clients' needs.
The presentation addresses the following topics:
• An overview of the evaluation process.
• Tasks related to key moments in the evaluation process.
• Food for thought to guide the art therapist in choosing the right assessment tool in a given context.
• Ways to formulate realistic art-therapeutic objectives and plan.
• The ethical way to transmit the results of art-therapeutic evaluation.
• A guide to understanding and navigating through the various record keeping forms.
She offers an in-depth reflection on the basic principles of assessment in art therapy. She also presents ECCAT-9 model: a practical guide to observing the images produced during art therapy sessions and developing a clinical understanding of clients' needs.
The presentation addresses the following topics:
• An overview of the evaluation process.
• Tasks related to key moments in the evaluation process.
• Food for thought to guide the art therapist in choosing the right assessment tool in a given context.
• Ways to formulate realistic art-therapeutic objectives and plan.
• The ethical way to transmit the results of art-therapeutic evaluation.
• A guide to understanding and navigating through the various record keeping forms.
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Observation-based Assessment Art Therapy Trauma Tool (OBAS-ATT)
Art therapists need specific instruments to measure treatment outcomes. The development of assessment instruments for special purposes, such as measuring key elements of the therapeutic process, is a growing and important area of research. Standardised instruments can help to compare and contrast data, and this may contribute to the development of the discipline.
The aim of this research was to design a new, process-oriented instrument that can help art therapists assess the therapeutic progress of the treatment for women who have suffered traumatic experiences. The instrument was called Observation-based Assessment Art Therapy Trauma Tool (OBAS-ATT).
The preliminary design of the tool was based on observation instruments and the analysis of the psychological scales commonly used with the target group. The first version of the tool was submitted to a panel of experts as part of a Delphi study to reach consensus on the content of the tool. Then, a focus group was held to improve tool usefulness.
The final result is a structured template composed of 50 items organised in 11 dimensions that helps to collect qualitative and quantitative data.
The designed tool is an interesting starting point for developing useful and standardised tools. Experts participating in the study highlighted the importance of combining qualitative and quantitative data.
This tool can help art therapists gather organised information and evaluate the patient therapeutic process, which should improve practice in the field. Further research is required to determine inter-rater reliability and the psychometric properties of the scales.
The aim of this research was to design a new, process-oriented instrument that can help art therapists assess the therapeutic progress of the treatment for women who have suffered traumatic experiences. The instrument was called Observation-based Assessment Art Therapy Trauma Tool (OBAS-ATT).
The preliminary design of the tool was based on observation instruments and the analysis of the psychological scales commonly used with the target group. The first version of the tool was submitted to a panel of experts as part of a Delphi study to reach consensus on the content of the tool. Then, a focus group was held to improve tool usefulness.
The final result is a structured template composed of 50 items organised in 11 dimensions that helps to collect qualitative and quantitative data.
The designed tool is an interesting starting point for developing useful and standardised tools. Experts participating in the study highlighted the importance of combining qualitative and quantitative data.
This tool can help art therapists gather organised information and evaluate the patient therapeutic process, which should improve practice in the field. Further research is required to determine inter-rater reliability and the psychometric properties of the scales.
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The Multiple Self-States Drawing Technique: Creative Assessment and Treatment with Children and Adolescents
This workshop presents material from the author’s publication, “The Multiple Self-States Drawing Technique: Creative Assessment and Treatment with Children and Adolescents” (Routledge, 2019). Psychologically overwhelming and traumatic experiences, lay the
groundwork for dissociated, disowned or disavowed self-state processes – rendering individuals as experiencing “me” and “not me” states. The MSSDT, a contemporaneous version of a
projective figure drawing activity provides a novel opportunity to bridge the gap in youngsters’ awareness of discrete emotional states. Emotionally dysregulated, trauma-based, and dissociative
self-states are discovered and compassionately explored, while focus on adaptive, resilient states of well-being is encouraged and promoted. The experiential, psycho-educational tool can foster a
beneficial relational encounter, therapeutic self-expression, and promote a mentalizing stance.
Treatment strategies may emerge from expressed material. The MSSDT, an arts-based, creative, trans-diagnostic, clinical assessment tool may be advantageous for practitioners endorsing
diverse therapeutic orientations, modalities, and integrative approaches. Workshop participants will be guided through the MSSDT experience
groundwork for dissociated, disowned or disavowed self-state processes – rendering individuals as experiencing “me” and “not me” states. The MSSDT, a contemporaneous version of a
projective figure drawing activity provides a novel opportunity to bridge the gap in youngsters’ awareness of discrete emotional states. Emotionally dysregulated, trauma-based, and dissociative
self-states are discovered and compassionately explored, while focus on adaptive, resilient states of well-being is encouraged and promoted. The experiential, psycho-educational tool can foster a
beneficial relational encounter, therapeutic self-expression, and promote a mentalizing stance.
Treatment strategies may emerge from expressed material. The MSSDT, an arts-based, creative, trans-diagnostic, clinical assessment tool may be advantageous for practitioners endorsing
diverse therapeutic orientations, modalities, and integrative approaches. Workshop participants will be guided through the MSSDT experience
DAY 2, JUNE 25, 2023
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Roundtable: Developing Cross Cultural Applications with Traditional Art Therapy Assessments in Academia
Faculty from GWU's Graduate Art therapy program in Washington, DC and MIT's Graduate Art Therapy Program in Pune, India have established a collaboration to broaden the cultural lens surrounding the applications of art therapy directives within diverse practice settings, populations, media options, and cultures. As part of their Assessment training, students have conducted foundational art based assessment tools in their Eastern and Western settings, and the faculty have built in the opportunity to work in international groups to compare variables and outcomes in the curriculum to present to the class. The traditional assessments explored included: the Kramer assessment, HFD, ETC, PPAT, Bridge Drawing, DDS, BND, and MARI. This process has fostered collegial and international collaboration, developed first person awareness of differences and need for further assessment development in the field, and made cross-cultural considerations and communication accessible.
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An Art Therapy Primer on Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment
In this workshop, you will learn the basic tenets of psychological projective tests to determine whether an individual is appropriate for individual, group, and / or family treatment. Varying case studies (ranging from children to older adults) will be presented through the lens of comorbidity of physiological and psychological issues. You will understand how to write up results for assessment reports and include treatment recommendations, objectives, and modalities; conduct various projective and standardized assessment batteries; and exit well versed in assessment and analytical skills necessary to conduct salient oral and written reports in an interdisciplinary workplace. Additionally, applications to track efficacy and best practices over time will be presented in addition to conducting assessments and working via a telehealth format.
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MARA Movement Assessment
MARA is an assessment tool for dance movement therapy, developed in response to a range of formal and informal trials with DMT practitioners and users. MARA is intended to facilitate more regular and efficient assessment than is possible with paper-based processes that need additional work to process into reports. MARA has been developed to help dance movement and other creative arts therapists support clients better, by strengthening their capacity to assess clients’ progress. MARA supports evidence-informed practice by enabling the creation and use of data about clients to inform practice decisions, from planning right through to completion of therapy. MARA also offers a range of assessment modalities: quantitive, qualitative, media (photos, video, voice recording and drawings) with all of these options available for client self assessment. MARA provides quantitative data in a range of graphed forms, and reporting templates using all of these forms of data.
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The 6-Key Model for Assessment and Intervention
in Drama Therapy and the Creative Arts Therapies
Creative Arts Therapies involve a journey back and forth between two distinctive but interconnected realities –the reality of everyday life and the reality created through the art medium. Considering the client’s engagement with both realities is a complex and elaborate task that requires a keen observation method that would not only reflect on the manifested contents, but also on the aesthetic choices made by the client in order to express them.
The 6-Key Model is a useful tool that can be applied in clinical practice with individuals and groups. The model allows the therapist to survey creative arts therapies core processes, facilitating the organization of the material in a way that promotes effective therapeutic assessment and informed interventions.
This lecture explains the basic principles of the 6-Key Model, including a case study that illustrates its use in clinical practice.
The 6-Key Model is a useful tool that can be applied in clinical practice with individuals and groups. The model allows the therapist to survey creative arts therapies core processes, facilitating the organization of the material in a way that promotes effective therapeutic assessment and informed interventions.
This lecture explains the basic principles of the 6-Key Model, including a case study that illustrates its use in clinical practice.
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Assessment Process in Diagnostic Multimodal Expressive Assessment for Interdisciplinary Treatment Approaches
Based on the Expressive Therapies & Materials Continuum, this diagnostic assessment is created to help clients feel or act on emotions (or form) to enhance decision-making, thought processing, and problem-solving in order to reach the flow state for clarity and understanding. By providing a supportive environment and customized approaches, we cultivate the space for clients to develop self-expression, self-knowledge, self-actualization, and self-efficacy, ultimately improving habits, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. The assessment utilizes expressive arts modalities such as art, dance, music, drama, and creative writing to strengthen the mind-body connection, identify emotional, psychological, and physiological areas of weakness, and pinpoint imbalances in the body's energy. This information is used to tailor a therapeutic kinesthetic-sensorial experience with personalized interventions. Initial expressive directives will give insight to client functioning and preferred method(s) of information processing.
Four variables are examined:
1. Preferred medium
2. Manner of interaction with expressive media
3. Details of expression
4. Verbal communication
To reach the highest cortical functioning and attain analytical, logical and sequential skills, we must enhance our visual processing and emotional processing respectively.
By understanding the relationships between brain, body, color, energy and emotion we help clients become active partners in the forming strength-based treatment goals and overall well-being.
Four variables are examined:
1. Preferred medium
2. Manner of interaction with expressive media
3. Details of expression
4. Verbal communication
To reach the highest cortical functioning and attain analytical, logical and sequential skills, we must enhance our visual processing and emotional processing respectively.
By understanding the relationships between brain, body, color, energy and emotion we help clients become active partners in the forming strength-based treatment goals and overall well-being.
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The Diagnostic Drawing Series: Why It Is Essential Knowledge
The Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS) stands out from other art therapy assessments because it is a standardized evaluation that has been extensively researched. It blends the core elements of art therapy, such as materials, tasks, and processes, with the research methodologies commonly used in social sciences. Unlike other assessments, the DDS does not rely on a single model of art therapy or verbal psychotherapy, making it a flexible tool for clinicians. Over the past decade, the DDS has proven to be a valuable resource for clinicians, and its administration and usefulness in clinical practice are explained within the framework of a structural approach. This approach can be effectively taught to students and promotes accountability to both clients and therapists.