Creative Arts Therapies Events

Creative Arts Therapies Events is an online learning platform that strives to bring together many creative therapeutic approaches developed by seasoned therapists worldwide. Our team of multi-disciplinary lecturers brings a wealth of academic and clinical experience with them.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive online learning platform that brings together a diverse range of creative therapeutic approaches developed by seasoned therapists worldwide.

We aim to empower individuals, practitioners, and communities by offering them valuable courses and resources, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to integrate creative arts therapies effectively.

Our vision is to foster a world where creative arts therapies are recognized and used as powerful tools for healing, growth, and self-expression.
— Carmen Oprea, art therapist
Founder of Creative Arts Therapies Events

Our values


We are committed to delivering high-quality content and resources that meet the highest standards of excellence in the field of creative arts therapies. We strive to provide valuable educational experiences that contribute to the personal and professional growth of our learners.


We foster a collaborative environment that encourages the exchange of ideas, experiences, and perspectives among practitioners, speakers, and the wider creative arts therapy community. We believe in the power of collective wisdom and learning from one another to advance the field.


We embrace innovation and actively seek out new approaches, techniques, and emerging trends in creative arts therapies. We strive to stay at the forefront of the field, continuously evolving our offerings to provide cutting-edge content and resources that address the evolving needs of our learners and the wider community.


We believe in creating an inclusive and welcoming space where individuals from diverse backgrounds can engage, learn, and share. We embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, recognizing the power of diversity in enriching the therapeutic process.

Hear from our amazing community

The Creative Arts Therapies conference is so important for our practice. I am looking forward to watching the conference in February!
 — Maria D.
I discovered this site on LinkedIn. Excellent opportunity to assist at a free conference of such caliber.
— Giuseppe
This conference looks great! It offers every creative arts therapist or counselor a must-have library of professional tools, assessments and engaging activities.
— E. M.
Thank you for this conference. I am enjoying and benefiting and looking forward to next week. I really appreciate the accessibility and the content is top of the mark. Thank you!!!!
— Rhonda
The speakers gave a range of perspectives on art therapy. From the theoretical highlights to ethical and cultural views. All together important tools to deepen our understanding of therapeutic work and Art Therapy in particular.
— Maria, Sweden
The conference was a fantastic opportunity to get in touch with such a kind community, and I appreciate it so much.
— Magdalena

Getting together creative and expressive arts therapists worldwide

This project is born from the organizers' dream to discover what art therapists do in their parts of the globe. During the pandemic, we realized how much we were working in clusters without a solid connection to theory and practice in other countries.

The Creative Art Therapy Conference, the first in a series, is a soul project and allows sound and innovative ideas in art therapy. We hope to be heard worldwide by as many art therapists and other mental health professionals as possible.

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